In our experience, it’s usually fear inspired by lack of knowledge or confidence. We want to help you overcome these challenges!

Who is this for?

  • You’re ready to level up your Real Estate investing experience

  • You are starting and want to buy your first or second property

  • You want to transfer your financial future through Real Estate investing! 

  • You are looking for a course that provides you with the basic knowledge to begin this process


Empowering Your Business Journey

MODULE 1 - Personal Assesment

To formulate a plan, you need the exact coordinates of where you stand today. Our course begins with a self-assessment—of your Real Estate holdings, your knowledge, your financial situation and your personal challenges. 

Next, we’ll coach you through setting concrete Real Estate goals according to the S.M.A.R.T. method (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound). 

Finally, we walk you through how to Close the Gap between your current position and your S.M.A.R.T. goals. 

Topics Covered

  • Learn the SMART goal setting process

  • The power of visualization 

  • Learn the difference between the consumer vs. investor mindset

MODULE 2 - Finding Deals

If only closing on great deals were that simple! Real Estate acquisitions are only as powerful as deal-flow, and profits are only as juicy as buying at the right price under the right terms.  

Learn the different ways seasoned investors gain access to deals. Discover how industry professionals make money in the buy. This module also covers basic negotiation techniques and the offer/purchase process. 

Topics Covered

  • Do a quick overview of the how the market is structured  

  • Identify ways to find deals ON market

  • Identify ways to find deals OFF market

MODULE 3 - Underwriting

Just like any other business in acquiring properties  you need to understand how they operate and their respective revenue and expenses. Thats what we call underwriting. Many new investors struggle with accurate financial forecasting. This generates a lot of fear, paralysis and bad decisions, as ultimately you can only assess projects based on reliable numbers. 

In this module we give you a basic underwriting (financial forecasting) model to help you assess deals and buildings as they come up, and teach you how to use it accurately. 

Topics Covered

  • Establish the framework and steps to underwrite a property

  • Choose a case study from the market

  • Basic underwriting of the property

  • Overview of a few basic websites for your underwriting research 

MODULE 4 - Financing

Do you know how to uncouple your capacity to buy more Real Estate from your personal income? Are you clear on why—sometimes—it’s best to use your personal debt ratios to acquire buildings? If not, listen up!

In this module we cover the difference between basic residential and multi-residential financing. You will learn to do a simple debt-ratio calculation.  We’ll teach you the basics of pitching to private money, using B-lenders, and working with conventional banks—all to give you the edge in structuring the financing of your next acquisition.   

Topics Covered

  • Conventional Residential Financing

  • Multi-Residential Financing & Economic Value

  • Commercial Financing

  • Private Lenders

  • Basic Creative Financing Options

MODULE 5 - Legal & Tax

Should you place your buildings in a holding company? What’s the difference between income tax and capital gains tax? Should you take depreciation on your buildings this year to defer paying the government?

If you don’t know the answer to these questions you could be leaving tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars on the table!  

In this module, you’ll learn the basics of assessing legal- and tax liabilities as they pertain to Real Estate holdings.  

Topics Covered

  • Basic taxation principles for Real Estate Investors

  • Basic Expenses & Deductions

  • Depreciation / Capitalization of Expenses

  • Understanding Capital Gains tax

  • Holding Companies & Incorporation

  • Main legal issues in Real Estate Investing

MODULE 6 - Team & Networking

Real Estate is a people business, but all too often, we struggle to succeed because we don’t understand the basics of business networking and team building. In this module you will discover the key positions on your Real Estate team. You’ll learn the science behind building a professional network that can deliver you deals, partners and relevant counsel at the right time. 

Topics Covered

  • Social Capital & Why It is TheSecret to Better Financial Results

  • Peer Group: How to Have Winning Peers

  • The Science of Business Networking

  • Building a Power Team that Can Support Your Real Estate Ambitions